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Push, Twist, Tighten, Done: Meet Our Proprietary Grip Ring Fittings

Push, Twist, Tighten, Done: Meet Our Proprietary Grip Ring Fittings

Unipipe aluminum compressed air piping offers significant advantages in terms of durability, longevity and performance. It is also fast, easy and inexpensive to install — up to 2.5 times faster than copper or black iron piping of similar dimensions, with no hot work required. The secret? Our proprietary grip ring fittings. Our aluminum pipe fittings make installation a breeze and are 5 times more secure than other systems on the market.

The Unipipe Grip Ring: Simplicity Meets Performance

Aluminum pipe systems are, in general, faster and easier to install than copper, steel or black iron piping, all of which require skilled labor and typically require hot work (soldering or welding) to complete the join. Unipipe’s grip ring system takes simplicity and performance to the next level.

The unique design cuts installation time and costs and results in a highly secure connection that will hold up to pressure for many years. Simply fit the pipe into the fitting, tighten nut which secures the grip ring. As you tighten the nut, the grip ring bites down into the pipe, creating a secure and leak-free connection.

  • Secure fit: The grip ring fitting bites down into the pipe, providing a secure 360° connection that is 5x more secure than typical aluminum pipe fittings.
  • Leak resistant: Our secure fitting is designed to provide trouble-free performance for years, maximizing efficiency and minimizing lifetime maintenance. Our HNBR O-rings have near zero percent failure rate during normal use and can be easily replaced if necessary.
  • No special tools: The only tool you need to tighten the Unipipe fitting is a basic wrench. As the connection is tightened, the grip ring cuts into the surface of the pipe for a secure connection.
  • No skilled labor: Unipipe fittings do not require grooving, threading, crimping, drilling, soldering or welding, so you don’t need a plumber or welder to install the system.
  • Reusable: Need to reconfigure your system? No problem! Unipipe fittings are reusable — just loosen, disconnect, move and re-tighten.
  • Safe: A secure connection is a safe connection! Unipipe fittings can stand up to high pressures (up to 1015 PSI!) and continual use and are suitable for use with compressed air, inert gasses such as nitrogen, vacuum systems, water, and mineral or synthetic oils.
  • Compatible: Unipipe fittings are compatible with most other aluminum “blue pipe” systems on the market. Contact us to confirm compatibility before ordering.

Installation Instructions

Installing piping with Unipipe grip ring fittings is easy.

  1. Cut the pipe to size (if necessary) using a standard pipe cutter. Be sure to deburr the cut edge to avoid damage to the O-ring in the fitting.
  2. Mark the pipe with the depth marking tool so you can tell how far it needs to be inserted into the fitting for proper seating.
  3. Fit the pipe into the fitting, making sure it is completely seated up to the mark. If needed, you can use a little soap and water to lubricate the pipe. Check the horizontal alignment to make sure the pipe is straight in the fitting.
  4. Hand-tighten the nut as much as possible.
  5. Using a wrench, tighten the nut an additional ¼ turn to secure the fitting.

That’s it! No other tools, no hot work, no specialized labor. The entire process takes less than two minutes per fitting. Now that’s speedy installation!

Unipipe vs. Copper, Steel or Iron Piping: The Grip Ring Advantage

What’s the easiest type of pipe to fit for compressed air and inert gas applications? Aluminum piping wins hands-down. Lightweight, easy to handle, and simple to connect without grooving, welding or soldering, aluminum pipe substantially cuts down on installation time and costs, lowering the overall cost for the system. Unipipe’s proprietary grip ring fittings provide a secure, long-lasting seal in less than half the time compared to copper, steel or iron pipe. Here’s the difference.

Unipipe Grip Ring vs. Copper, Steel or Iron Pipe Fittings

Unipipe Copper, Iron or Steel Pipe Fitting
Requires hot work No Yes/Maybe
Required threading or grooving No Yes
Requires specialized labor No Yes
Average time per connection 2-3 minutes 6-10 minutes
Average installation cost $6,000 $12,000


Request Your Demo Kit!

Want to see the Unipipe grip ring in action? Request a demo kit today! Or contact our experts for more information.

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